Friday, March 18, 2016

His Will

It has been awhile since I last posted.  I started back to work in August and it seems like the time to sit down and write out my thoughts has been limited.  It may be that I just have not taken the time to do so. 

I’m at a point in my life that I do not know what my dreams are and if I even have dreams for the future in this world anyway.  It seems those dreams that I have had for my future have been rejected.  I thought they might be put on hold but more and more I believe they are just plain rejected.  This may be a sign that they are my dreams but not what God has planned for me.  I have struggled with not being in tune with God’s will for my life and that is why I started this blog.  I felt that if my dreams were not in tune with His, I must not know God very well and I had better start seeking Him more intensely so that I could find Him and be satisfied with my life. 

So, why, after all the seeking am I still seeking to know Him better and still doubting that I do?  For the most part, there is so much more to God than we can ever truly know.  Just recently I attended an ordination service for a pastor in our church.  As he stated his viewpoints on many theological questions, it became even more clear to me that we really, not any of us, really know the fullness of God.  We have interpretations of the Bible, yet none of us really know all the answers.  Pastors from other churches were there to witness and give their input on his answers.  Obviously, they did not all agree with his viewpoints yet recognized it was an opinion.
With all that in mind, I know that we must continually seek His will in our lives and be satisfied that His will is going to be done whether we like it or not.  Just as Christ suffered in the garden and prayed, 39 And going a little farther he fell on his face and prayed, saying, “My Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me; nevertheless, not as I will, but as you will.”  Matthew 26:39 , we too must follow the will of the Father.  Our goal in this life should be to honor and glorify God yet we get caught up in the life, striving for our dreams, waiting for them, watching for them, thinking that the lottery ticket of a successful life is just around the corner, and we forget that God is right there with us, wanting us to cling to Him and live a life that is pleasing to Him.  What are we doing?  Where are we going?  Why have we been placed here at this time to live?  As we seek Him and know Him, we realize it is His will and His timing is the better than any dreams that we could dream for ourselves. 
Seek Him and know that He will is good.

Seeking Him with all my heart,