Thursday, September 8, 2011

Are You Comfortable?

This is my last post.  I have decided there are so many other people who can write and do such a good job of it, you don’t need my blogs.  I have truly enjoyed writing these blogs, it has been the best part of my days but I don’t want people to feel obligated to read them and I haven’t had the response that I had hoped for so I decided it was time to say goodbye to the blog page.  I could not leave without finishing the story of Joseph.

In Genesis 43 the brothers make the second trip to Egypt and bring their brother Benjamin.  Joseph has them come to his home and serves them all a meal.  In chapter 44 when a silver cup is planted in Benjamin’s sack and he is accused of stealing it.  Judah pleads with Joseph not to take Benjamin as a slave but to take him instead as he had promised his father that he would keep Benjamin safe.  At that point, Chapter 45, Joseph revealed himself and his brothers were terrified.

Genesis 45:5 And now, do not be distressed and do not be angry with yourselves for it was to save lives that God sent me ahead of you.  Joseph tells them this but they do not really believe it because in Chapter 50, after the death of their father, they make up another lie and tell Joseph that their father asked him to forgive his brothers.  Now, don’t you think if that is what his father had said he would have told Joseph himself?  Joseph knew this was not true but he also knew that his Heavenly Father  had a plan for him and it was because of that plan that he was in Egypt.  He said in Genesis 50:20 You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives.  Has anyone done something to you, intending to harm you?  I know I feel that way and I haven’t always responded the way Joseph did.  Although we might want sweet revenge, in actuality the only thing that is sweet is forgiveness.  God will take care of the rest.  Joseph knew this and he had forgiven his brothers long before revealing himself to them.

Joseph was granted the opportunity to take his father’s remains back his father’s homeland but he himself would never live in that land again.  Joseph died in Egypt and his body was carried out of that land when the Israelites fled Egypt with Moses leading them.  He had requested this in Genesis 50:25 And Joseph made the sons of Israel swear an oath, and said, ‘God will surely come to your aid, and then you must carry my bones up from this place.’  Joseph made the best of his situation but he was never really comfortable there, he always wanted to go home.

Are you comfortable in your situation?  I know that I am not and yet we have to keep going because God is in control.  Maybe you are too comfortable and you do not see God’s hand in your life.  Be sure to always remember that God is the one that makes all things possible.  It is not us or our abilities that make things happen for God is the one that has given us our gifts, talents, and abilities.  Joseph never forgot that and that is why he could be so confident in all situations and that is also why God blessed him but remember in those blessings he also had pain.

Thank you to all who read my blog.  I hope it was somewhat of a blessing to you as it was to me.  I hope that you will continue to seek God with all your hearts.

Seeking Him with all my heart,

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