Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Faith is Believing

Faith is Believing

Matthew 13:53-58
New International Version 1984 (NIV1984)
 53 When Jesus had finished these parables, he moved on from there. 54 Coming to his hometown, he began teaching the people in their synagogue, and they were amazed. “Where did this man get this wisdom and these miraculous powers?” they asked. 55 “Isn’t this the carpenter’s son? Isn’t his mother’s name Mary, and aren’t his brothers James, Joseph, Simon and Judas? 56 Aren’t all his sisters with us? Where then did this man get all these things?” 57 And they took offense at him.
   But Jesus said to them, “Only in his hometown and in his own house is a prophet without honor.”
 58 And he did not do many miracles there because of their lack of faith.

Often times I have wondered what it must have been like for Jesus growing up.  He was the oldest son in this family and was most likely favored for being so.  Above all else, He was the son of God and His parents do it. He didn’t sin so He must have never gotten punished for anything.  The most trouble He got in was probably the time that He was at the temple and not with His parents.  I have known of parents leaving their child sleeping in the pew at church thinking the other one had gotten them but never have I heard of a parent forgetting their child only to find them sitting on the steps at the temple and amazing the teachers of the law.  I have often wondered if Jesus got blamed for doing things just because His brothers and sisters were sick of Him being so perfect.  I am sure they had a different perspective thought when they saw Him being crucified on the cross, knowing all along that He did not deserve this punishment. 

The only indication that I have that life might not have been perfect in Joseph, the carpenters home, is the verse 57 where He mentioned not only the hometown but also the home.  This tells me that not all of His family was particularly pleased with in perfect being.  They did not all honor Him even in His own household.  Maybe that is one reason that He didn’t drop everything to come to their side when they made a visit to Him while He was ministering to others. 

The verse that really stood out to me though was the last verse.  He did not do many miracles in His hometown because people did not have faith.  Even though they had seen Jesus grow up before their very eyes, they did not see Him as the Son of God.  There are many people who have grown up being taught about this amazing God but yet they too are blinded and have no faith. 

I can only minutely relate to Jesus.  I was raised in the same town in which I now live.  For a short time I worked as an interim consultant for our State Department of Education and I had people calling me from across the State to ask questions of me.  I presented teaching strategies to participants from across the State including presentations to graduate students at two major colleges in our state and worked with other professionals on some intense studies.  I spent some time in Washington, D.C., as well as Little Rock, Arkansas where I networked with people from across the United State as a part of an advisory board.  People were interested in what I had to say and actually listened to me and heeded my recommendations.  Yet, in my own town, I have found that people are not as receptive to my instruction.  They would call people in from the other parts of the State who would give the same advice as what I had already given.  Why is it that sometimes the people we care about the most are the ones that could care less about what we have to say?  To me, that makes no sense at all.  It happens in our families and in our churches as well as the workplace.  You would think people would understand that those closest to us are the ones that will go to the ends of the earth to help yet we have to call in the expert that knows nothing about us and get their opinion on the “important” matters.  I can sense the frustration that Jesus must have felt but that is not why He performed very few miracles there.  He didn’t perform them because they didn’t ask.  If you notice in the Bible Jesus healed those who had enough faith to ask or enough faith to touch the hem of His clothes in order to be healed.  They had enough faith to lower their friend into the house from the rooftop but in Jesus hometown they didn’t ask because they didn’t have faith.

What about us?  Do we have faith enough to ask?  Or are we the ones saying that Jesus would never provide us with a miracle?  If we don’t ask, it is a sign of lack of faith and the miracles will not happen.  What are you afraid of today?  Sometimes I think we are afraid that we might not get the answer we want when we ask and yes that is a lack of faith.  For you see, faith is believing, believing that God will do what is best for us in all circumstances.  The miracle is not getting what we ask for but knowing that all that He does is for the good.  I can remember questioning why God wouldn’t bring my sister back to life for me for just a short while so I could talk to her.  Can you imagine the therapy I would have had to go through if I would have claimed that I got to see my sister and talk to her?  Wow, He protected me and my faith has become stronger through that.  I remember asking Him to heal my mother and He did.  Not in the sense that I wanted but He gave her the ultimate healing when He took her home to be with Him.  Joseph, a man of such great faith, did not get to ever go back to his homeland to live, his bones were carried back over 400 years after his death, but he had faith that God was in control.  As you seek Him, I pray that you will have faith to put your faith in Him and Him alone.

Seeking Him with all my heart,


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