Thursday, January 24, 2013

Spread the Good News of Jesus Christ

Acts 11:19-21
New International Version 1984 (NIV1984)
19 Now those who had been scattered by the persecution in connection with Stephen(A) traveled as far as Phoenicia, Cyprus and Antioch,(B) telling the message only to Jews. 20 Some of them, however, men from Cyprus(C) and Cyrene,(D) went to Antioch(E) and began to speak to Greeks also, telling them the good news(F) about the Lord Jesus. 21 The Lord’s hand was with them,(G) and a great number of people believed and turned to the Lord.

Persecution is one thing that none of us want to have to go through yet it is something that we should expect.  Romans 12:14 14” Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse.”  It does not say, “if you are persecuted” it simply implies that you will be persecuted.  So why then do we get all bent out of shape when Christians are put down, falsely accused, or when our values seem to be ignored while those of other religious backgrounds seems to get all the positive attention?  We as Christians in the United States of America have it pretty easy, persecution has not made its full appearance here but it is gradually creeping in and I am sure we will not always be free from this persecution. 

However, there are many people who live in America because of persecution.  My husband would not have ever been a United States citizen if his great grandparents had not been persecuted in another country. His ancestors fled from two other countries due to religious persecution and finally made it to the United States of America where they settled.  Immigrants looking for a better life, the American dream that is the make-up of this country.  Many immigrants were looking to escape persecution because of their belief in the Lord Jesus Christ.  Because of their persecution the Word of God spread to this part of the world.  Now, we have religious freedom and what are we doing with it?  Many of our churches are not very full.  The fact that we have “many” churches is not a testament of the spreading of the Gospel but rather the fact that many Christians can’t agree so a new church is formed. 

Let’s look at what happened after Stephen was stoned to death.  The Christians scattered but the church grew.  The Christians did not go into hiding by quieting their beliefs but rather they spread their beliefs to others.  You might think that they would be asking lots of “why” questions.  Stephen was a great man and did wonderful things.  You could tell by his actions, his life, and through his death that he loved the Lord his God with all his heart, soul, and mind.  So, why did God not protect him?  Why did he have to die?  Why would God allow this to happen?  You might have thought that these people would have stuck together, gone underground, and quieted their faith but instead they were scattered, spread their faith and the church grew.

I want to take special note of what they told those who they encountered.  They told the Good News of Jesus Christ.  They didn’t tell about their troubles, they didn’t tell about Stephen who was a godly man, they told about the One who changed their lives.  Some told it to the Jews while others spread it to the Gentiles.  Do you want to grow the church?  You don’t do it through being the most “popular” church in town.  You don’t do it by having the latest fads in worship.  You don’t do it by having the most dynamic speaker as your pastor.  You do it through persecution, through being scattered and most importantly by spreading the Good News of Jesus Christ to the people who have not heard it.  Mega churches were not instantly a mega church.  If you hear how they began it was with a few people, a lot of prayer, and much time with others, spreading the Good News.  The Good News of Jesus Christ is being overshadowed by this world and we need to get out there and be open to how the Lord wants us to use our voice and/or our actions to spread the most glorious news of all to the people around us.  This world could use some Good News and we are the ones that can share it.

As you seek Him think of those who have never heard of Him and ask the Lord how you might share the Good News to them. Ask Him to place His hand upon you and give you the strength, courage, and words to say in order to share the Good News of Jesus Christ to others.

Seeking Him with all my heart,


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