Wednesday, August 28, 2013

What is Our Life Reflecting?

Psalm 34:4-7
English Standard Version (ESV)
(A)sought the Lord, and he answered me
    and delivered me from all my fears.
Those who look to him are (B)radiant,
    and their faces shall never be ashamed.
6 (C)This poor man cried, and the Lord heard him
    and (D)saved him out of all his troubles.
7 (E)The angel of the Lord (F)encamps
    around those who fear him, and delivers them.

This entire blog began because I was in distress and began seeking the Lord’s wisdom and direction.  It was not because I had it all together and felt like I needed to share with everyone the great wisdom bestowed upon me.  I had remembered that when I cried out to the Lord in the past and sought Him out, situations did not change but my attitude did.  When I began this journey it was my desire to include others in it so that they too would be reading God’s word and seeking Him and that they too would be changed as they sought Him.  It is my hope that I am not the only one that benefited from this blog but that others too have grown in their love for the Lord and have found their confidence in Him.  It is also my hope that attitudes may have changed throughout this blog.  Situations do not always change as fast as we would like or they may not change at all but if we are seeking God in the process,  our attitudes will reflect peace and contentment rather than strife and distress.

Many people seem to think that once you know the Lord you will have no more troubles but this Psalm proves otherwise.  David knew the Lord, there is no doubt of that.  From a young boy who about to slay a giant, he knew that it was not by his own power but by the power of the Lord.  He knew that he would one day be king and that it was only through the power of the Lord that this would happen but he had troubles along the way.  There were times that he tried to do things on his own strength only to find out that when he did, troubles ensued.  That is not any different for us.  Sometimes when we think we have it under control that is when we slip up and things go all wrong.  It is only when we are confident that God is in control that we realize that we can be at peace in any situation.  The problem is we say He is in control and when things don’t go the way we want we think we need to take over and do it ourselves, MISTAKE!!!!!  We become downcast, disgruntled, grumbly, and really hard to live with.

The contrast of that kind of life is to be humble, trusting of our Savior, willing to do anything for His glory, and always seeking His wisdom.  Sometimes I think the Lord allows us to go down roads that we really shouldn’t go down just to lead us back to Him.  Yet, if we continually seek His face our face will reflect His.  Think about it, if we are looking upon Him, our faces will be radiant because we will reflect His glory.  No, it is not our glory that will shine and be radiant it is His.  Even in the midst of troubles, He is there, He is watching down over us, and He knows our pain.  If we but simply look upon His face, our situation may or may not change but our outlook on the situation will.

Seek Him so that you may shine for Him.

Seeking Him with all my heart,


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