Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Held Firmly in His Hands

Psalm 82
English Standard Version (ESV)
A Psalm of (A)Asaph.
82 (B)God (C)has taken his place in the divine council;
    in the midst of (D)the gods he (E)holds judgment:
“How long will you judge unjustly
    and (F)show partiality to (G)the wicked? Selah
3 (H)Give justice to (I)the weak and the fatherless;
    (J)maintain the right of the afflicted and the destitute.
4 (K)Rescue the weak and the needy;
    (L)deliver them from the hand of the wicked.”
5 (M)They have neither knowledge nor understanding,
    (N)they walk about in darkness;
    (O)all the foundations of the earth are (P)shaken.
6 (Q)I said, “You are gods,
    sons of the Most High, all of you;
nevertheless, like men (R)you shall die,
    and fall like any prince.”[a]
8 (S)Arise, O God, judge the earth;
    for you shall (T)inherit all the nations!

I had to read and reread this passage because I thought I read it wrong but when I reread it I still came up with the same conclusion.  This Psalm is trying to tell God what to do.  In the second verse the writer even says that God is judging unjustly.  What?  That is not right, He is a just God.  Then I had to stop and think about all those prayers that I have prayed where I have told God how it should be.  That is not really a very wise prayer and I am glad that the Holy Spirit knows and understands my prayers as He did this prayer.  In our small view of the world we may think that God is letting people get by with things like treating the poor in a degrading way.  We may think that the “good ole boys club” is getting by with things that they should not be allowed to get by with.  But wait, are we trying to be the judge over God?

As a principal I had to make decisions that not everyone liked.  I had to decide disciplinary actions for students and sometimes it may not have appeared to be just or fair yet it as my decision.  Most people knew only one side of the story but had they known both sides they may have understood my decision.  I could not explain myself to those who thought they were in the know, I simply had to say, “You must trust my decisions.  I look at both sides of the issue and make a decision that is best for the parties involved.”  Not everyone has to know the entire story but they have to trust the one that does. 

Wow, who knows more than anyone else but God Himself.  Why is it so hard to put our trust in Him and know that He is a righteous judge?  Why is it that we sometimes we think He is not moving fast enough or is not harsh enough on others?  This Psalm reflects many of our attitudes and it proves that humans have not changed over the years, we still think we know best.  Today, let’s seek God and tell Him that we do trust Him and ask Him to help us to give our doubts and anxieties over to Him.  He is in control and He can take as long as He needs to accomplish His good will and good pleasure to those who are held firmly in His hands.

Seeking Him with all my heart,


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