Thursday, April 23, 2015


Acts 16:19-24
English Standard Version (ESV)

19 But when her owners saw that their hope of gain was gone, they seized Paul and Silas and dragged them into the marketplace before the rulers. 20 And when they had brought them to the magistrates, they said, “These men are Jews, and they are disturbing our city. 21 They advocate customs that are not lawful for us as Romans to accept or practice.” 22 The crowd joined in attacking them, and the magistrates tore the garments off them and gave orders to beat them with rods. 23 And when they had inflicted many blows upon them, they threw them into prison, ordering the jailer to keep them safely. 24 Having received this order, he put them into the inner prison and fastened their feet in the stocks.

If you were able to read the post from yesterday, you will remember that Paul became annoyed at a slave girl that kept following them and taunting them.  He became so annoyed that he cried out to the spirit within her, “I command you in the name of Jesus Christ to come out of her.” (Acts 16:14b) NIV. 

The spirit indeed came out of her but look at what happened next.  The owner of this slave girl was quite angry and brought them before the magistrate to be punished.  I guess there was no such thing as a free trial in those days if you were a Jew.  There was a consequence to the response of being annoyed and Paul and Silas paid that price by being beaten and thrown in prison. 

In our own lives we face consequences to our actions.  Sometimes we become annoyed and do not portray a Christian life to others.  This could very easily damage our witness to those around us.  It can ruin lifelong friendships and it can destroy families.  We can be assured that God hears us when we cry out regarding our annoyance.  He may even take it away, as I mentioned in the previous blog, yet, we also might find that He is trying to teach us a lesson. 

As you seek Him today, consider times that you may have become annoyed, your response, and the consequence you paid for that.  Next time, we will look at how we should respond to that consequence.

Seeking Him with all my heart,


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