Thursday, June 23, 2016

Contagious with Joyful Praise

 Habakkuk 2:4English Standard Version (ESV)
“Behold, his soul is puffed up; it is not upright within him,
    but the righteous shall live by his faith.[1]

Puffer fish are slow moving, clumsy fish that can be found in the ocean.  When a predator approaches, a puffer fish will expand in size taking in water and air to make itself huge and unappealing to the predator. If a predator does catch one of these fish before they expand, they will find that the fish is extremely poisonous and was a mistake to eat![2]  I believe this is a good example of a prideful person.  When attacked they may puff themselves up trying to repel the negative comments coming their way.  If, on the other hand, people unaware of the prideful soul, connect with them, they may only to find out this prideful person is poisonous, nasty, and dangerous.

I’ve never considered myself a prideful person but the more I examine faith and pride, I tend to lean heavier on the pride side than the faith side.  If I am attacked or rejected I may not puff myself up but I do start to wonder what is wrong with me.  Why am I being attacked?  Why doesn’t anyone like me?  Why am I not good enough?  A person who has faith and depends on God rather than their own actions will be content and joyful in the situation that can bring a prideful person down.

As I seek Him more and more, I want my faith to shine above my pride.  I don’t want to be poisonous with prideful venom but rather contagious with joyful praise.

Seek Him and know that faith will get you through.  Wait patiently on the Lord as He works amazing wonders in your life.

Seeking Him with all my heart,



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