Thursday, August 18, 2011

Patience vs. Anger

Yesterday I closed with saying that we would look at the patience that God displayed to Moses. This can be found in Exodus 3 and 4 with the encounter of the burning bush. When I read this scripture I think of the patience we need to have with a two or three year old who will ask question after question. You just get finished answering one “why?” and here comes another one! Explaining can be a very difficult task but if we don’t explain, they won’t learn. I imagine that is what was going on with Moses and God. Moses needed to learn so he displayed his doubts through questioning God about His plan.

I believe this scripture shows us just how patient God can be but He can also become angry. Look in chapter 4 verse 14, “Then the Lord’s anger burned against Moses . . .”. Now if I were Moses I wouldn’t want to be standing to close to that burning bush! Looking back at what made God angry, Exodus 4:13 Moses says to the Lord, “O Lord, please send someone else to do it.”

God had provided all avenues for Moses, assured him that He would be there with him and was speaking directly to him through a bush that was burning but not consumed by the flames. Moses responds with asking the Lord to send someone else. Have you ever asked someone to do something, given them all the help they needed and reassured them you would be there with them in case they needed more help and still received a “no” answer? If so, how did that make you feel? Have you ever been on the side of being asked and given a “no” answer? Has God asked you to do something and you have asked Him to send someone else?

Remember, God is patient with us and forgiving but we need to be willing because He has made us able. Seek Him with all your hearts today, be willing, and be blessed.

Seeking Him with all my heart,

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